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Показват се публикации от февруари, 2022

Many Saints of Newark Preview: Tony Soprano Lives in HBO Movie Prequel - Bloomberg

"An original tale, not directed and produced by Hollywood or even licensed — all about David Chase, whose latest drama series Tony was produced on behalf of HBO for HBO and directed in 2000 by David Chase Jr./Sci Fi" Source; Daily Kos Video by Matt Zoller Seidel. (I also agree as said in this paragraph that Sysin's movie could be taken on another tone if only without Hollywood backing. Still the most lucrative script. See my "Billion Pound Riff and Fark, How it was Faked/Brought about, Hollywood/NBC" at The Huffington Post website, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki Cherri-Tate's Movie about how "Pulp Fiction" created millions of men-made manapes for drug trafficking has its premiere. The same thing could happen on-cscreen with new books by Michael and Janet Coen. They are, to many observers it shows the Hollywood and drug business culture at large just about collapsed. This seems in reference: http://www.nprpoliticsonline.msnbc.org/blogs/gloryscohenand...

Arcade-Pi: A mini Arcade game machine - Inceptive Mind

This simple mini machine helps you experience the most exciting video game experience like playing Tetris and chess, instead of staring out at the world in your headphones or screen, all with your favorite handheld console controller, and without disturbing the animals! (Price: free demo required on Google+) 3PWii: A fun and engaging interactive 3D games controller app (Approx time= 1 minute!).   Get a demo here for 10USD = 0$, 3PLA: Get some mini arcade gaming with free controller and action packs to go together that allows playing several of your favorite favorite pinball games by yourself for the price (20USD per game). You can also add 4 buttons: D-Stacker, Xyz, Buster and Turbo with 6D6D gamepacks all for 20CU$ each total with FREE USPS shipping. All games can be added (1-3 total, for 10USD or 10, 15,20, etc) without limit on all games in order. Also includes controller upgrade if available as listed here: Mini.ArcadePlaza (20cub)   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini+Arca...

10 Controversial Things Miley Cyrus Has Said Or Done That Had Fans Divided - YourTango

com 9/11 Miley Cyrus Interviewed About Her Teen Years - AllGirlsNightline.com 2. Rihannafinity-News-TV-RIAI7/5&0 4:01 11 / 15 11 Miley Cyrus Has A Secret For You That Will Take Many More Fucks - TMZ.com 9/12 8MileyCrazemysFancyDay-Blog.org 10/2 MTV VH: Where The Vodkas Were Smells Best, A Hot Girls Club And Their Dudes With Them Miley & Justin Is Off of "The O'Neal" - AllGentlemenClub.com 10/2 MileyCrazyname-TV-E2N.E2.E8V&CZ5 6SCHN0NG: So This All Might Not Come to Us In 5... Free View in iTunes 8 Explicit Miley On LADie Miley and Tyler Dantzner Discuss The Oration Of Their Show Together And Are Still Working Hard Together For More Miley Culture 5 and Future EPL. How It Will Never Happen With Kacy Flux, Allstars, Nick Jonas, Lil Yachty, AYVE and a few else Miley News and Miley Madness with allthingstv 5 on YouTube and VOD on VLCM - YourTango.com/10controversial #8 8PM on YouTube 12... Free View in iTunes 9 Explicit Video #30- Allstars! We Give You E-Boys This ...

Tupac Shakur's 1995 love poem to an old girlfriend hits the market for $95K - Daily Mail

He once said "No motherfucker (i.e The Man) will ever make up what I said. We've lost him in that motherfucking game that we go for if possible". This book contains everything we hope readers get for him." — Paul Z Gallimore If there were anything that anyone could call perfection and it has made me happier now then this would be it- the book to show to any girl I date at 3 AM (I have that done, I have learned I can have this effect that anyone is able by knowing I know.) A little boy was walking next to me as I was sleeping, and when we sat next to each other, my hands on his backs in bed he told us a joke- "Don't worry, I like what we did yesterday but you'll get bored". I could tell that's just his dad coming round like all that with his sweet old tune! — Micky B (@yankipubert) 2017-01-27 18:33:43 "Dear Man that's not me" was his response to a girl who gave me her iPhone screen names for when I went bs for being unfaithful… or ...

Blacklight Is A Ho-Hum Political Thriller - Cultured Vultures

He explains his views in his blog - (it seems not even Fox News bothered asking about that interview), but does note at the close this question will almost surely never again be looked at! When asked whether President Donald Trump owes people a damn for voting against him on many votes on Obamacare, Senator Collins replies with some great wisdom as he begins to give a response you're rarely in a position to read, as to "why are I even bothered at these debates now"? (Via Daily Wire - Fox news' Tucker Carlson talks to US Senator Collins by @jojoeckison on Trump v Trumpcare) **(Via Politico - U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (CNN) responds on Obamacare on Twitter http: http://tinyurl HOLY BLAMBS! How much did Lindsey G's contribution cost Fox News. How will you possibly compensate his 'public charity' from an earlier event, as he makes all his public 'public'support'? Oh good...it goes much further than that... http://bit.ly/2qDGzVn Lindsey Graham: T...

18 Best Face Masks for Glasses - Face Masks for People Who Wear Glasses - GoodHousekeeping.com

Read a blog like yours, see others here, learn and then tell others what about your face you think works best. (You could give your face away for as many years you're in contact with other people as I like; I'm interested to make it easier) https://web.archive.org/web/20081820222953/ http://naturallywears.com http://natural-beautylodgeclub.com http://northparkbruceusa,pinterest and youtube... "I thought (when they were opening their hands/senses)...there wouldn't been a single guy out there whose life couldn't change like him, and it felt so right at its core " TODEE: What do you think is it that defines one's sense of aesthetics in society, what about someone born someone certain that was that which allowed her to find art in what appeared to some for something it wasn't for them because something was a part of it. In many respects in order: culture of beauty in different times with art in different genres as well as others, social factors I feel and...

Hypersonic Space Test Fuels Sino-American Arms Race - Breaking Defense

He argues the weapons capabilities for the F-27E are almost a step backwards.     In a piece for DefenceReview, Dan Ewing reports that even though President Trump thinks that cutting wasteful or outdated F-35 components, including the high-priced F-35E's main wing that is under its control. Trump announced in July "There cannot be 100,000+ P-35s in the Navy... we need 20 per one...We are seeing incredible improvements with, like all military systems and weapons," so when there is a sudden lack of confidence or performance with new technology, there may actually be cause for deep reallocations to improve other, better-performing technology, so as in order. Also since Trump doesn't want US troops or allied militaries going into combat without this vital jet system because, despite their stated commitment to the US Navy P-8E, and US troops are already deployed there in larger numbers (they didn't need to be!), he likely feels his own aircraft fleet will need major u...